Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Circus

 The other day Mike was talking to one of his customers.  He had mentioned that he had taken his family to the circus the other night.  He was telling Mike all about it and sold Mike on taking the kids to it.  It was a traveling circus so, the last show that was somewhat by us was up in Heber.  Our kids are always asking us to check them out of school so, we thought this would be perfect opportunity to surprise them with a check out and head up to Heber.

We got to circus about an hour before it started and they let the kids ride on the circus animals.  The kids and Mike wanted to ride the elephant.  We had to pay a little bit more money but, felt like it was a once in a life time chance to ride on an elephant!

 These pictures are the view from Mike up on the elephant.

 They also wanted to ride a camel so, they did that too!

 Lucy was happy to just ride the pony.
 The circus was really entertaining and we had fun watching people almost kill themselves or really hurt themselves.  I have never understood walking on a tight rope with no netting below and doing things like jump roping and doing flips on a tiny rope.  These people are crazy!  The animal tricks were fun and our favorite was the dog show and Lucy LOVED the elephant show.  She was clapping and waving at the elephants.

While at the circus, I was watching the pony ride area when I noticed a ladies phone had dropped out of her pocket.  I then saw the guy right behind her pick up the phone, look around, and then put the phone in his pocket.  I ran up to the lady and said are you missing your phone?  I believe that guy took it.  He was making his way back up to his seat.  She ran up to him and I started running up to him in case he lied and said he didn't have her phone.  Luckily, he said he had it and she got her phone back.  I just couldn't believe that someone would just steal something in public like that and not even blink an eye.  I was glad I was aware of my surrounding and could help someone out!
We then went out to eat at a dine-in Pizza Hut.  We filled our tummies and made the drive home.  I love  to do spontaneous activities and mess up the the usual groove.  I think it's good for your soul!

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