Sunday, February 3, 2013

Cousin Time

 My girls have been begging to have a late night with their cousins for months.  It seemed there was never a good weekend to do it.  We finally found one and I had to get some pictures of these cute girls.  We made homemade pizza and each girl got to make their own personal pizza with the topping they like best.  They then got in their pajamas and played and played.  I turned on a movie but, they just wanted to play together.  The younger girls started a  hair train.  They would take turns brushing each others hair.  The older girls had some game going on in our unfinished basement.  I starting to question to even finish the basement because the kids have so much fun riding cars, and scooters around the basement.

We are so thankful to have our cousins close.  It has been a huge blessing for us to be closer to family!

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