Friday, January 29, 2010

The Third Child....We Love Her

So, this past week we have had some classic Eliza moments. She has so much personality and is so different from Jason and Anne. Jason and Anne obey rules and get dressed and try to please. She is 2 and the only outfit she will wear is a princess dress. She will not let me do her hair and so she looks like a homeless princess. The other day she wanted to play outside in her black Sunday shoes, princess dresses, and Ariel snow hat. I did manage to get a coat on her. She ran around the backyard singing, dancing, and having an adventure.

Notice the princess dress and undone hair to start off. I walked in to find her changing her dolls diaper and smearing Desitin all over the doll. Good thing this doll is meant for water because trying to wash off Desitin is a joke. She is so much fun and I am so thankful to have such a fun little girl in my life!

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