Friday, April 3, 2009

Karate for Jason and Dance for Anne

Jason came home from school one day and said that he had a coupon to go to a free karate class. I really didn't want to take him because I am not a huge fan of karate type people. ( That might sound mean but, it just always seemed weird to me.) Anyways, he begged and begged so I took him to the class. It ended up being a really neat class and they teach the kids not only how to defend themselves against strangers but, to have respect and to be disciplined. Jason is an excellent kid but, he seemed to love when he had to say " Yes sir" and stand to attention. He is in the little Ninja class and so far so good. I definitely do not want him to become the next karate kid but, I think this will be really good for Jason in many ways.

Anne started a dance class a couple of weeks ago and it has been so much fun. By our house is the cutest store called the Glass Slipper and it's full of dance outfits. Anne and I went on a special outing together and we spent about hour trying on different outfits and tutus. She finally picked out this one of course it is pink, pink, pink her favorite color. She goes with a friend in the neighborhood and she has learned so much. I need to get a better picture of her in her outfit but, she came home from dance one day and I found her asleep on her bed. All that dancing must of worn her out.


Heather said...

love the picture of Anne. She looks so peaceful!

Unknown said...

going private and a posting of a fence around the everything okay? did mike sell some bad medical equipment?

Korinne said...

So stinking cute! I can't wait to put Mary in dance, but it will be around the same time as Anne, as in age. Thanks for the invite, and tell your father-in-law congrats! It was pretty cool to here his name! And it was fun to here Barbara's talk and know who she was talking about. Hope all is well! Have a great Sunday!