Monday, August 24, 2009

Girls Camp

Mike and I went up to our ward's Girl's camp. We went up for the last night to so Mike could represent the Bishopric and be there for the testimony meeting. I had served in Young Women's in this Ward for 3 years and it was fun to see and hang out with the girls for a little while. Our ward split about a month ago and I know everyone was worried how girl's camp would go. I have been to many camps and never have I seen more Christ-like young women. They were all so sweet to each other and everyone was included and felt like they belonged. I think they all really bonded and got to become better friends because of this camp. The leaders did an outstanding job and I would call it a success.
This was Mike's first experience with girl's camp and he was really impressed. He said he had never been to a camp were there was so much hugging but, that is what girls do. Mike saw how important girls camp is and he really hopes our girls will want to go. Since he was the only male around he did a lot of wood cutting, building fires, loading luggage, and giving a sick camper a priesthood blessing. We had a good time getting to know the youth in our ward better!

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