Monday, July 7, 2014

50 mile hike

The Young Men this year wanted to go on a 50 miler.  So, they did it and it was hard but, they did it.  Mike ran into some trouble with his asthma for a couple days. He had some altitude sickness and had to come home but, then went back out with the boys.  The young men were so great and kept Mike in their prayers and he was even a motivation for them on the trail.  They dedicated the hike to him.   There were some great spiritual moments that happen on the trail.  Brother Larsen was woken up in the middle of night to the spirit telling him not to take the boys down a certain canyon.  He listened to the spirit and later found out that there was a lightening storm down that canyon trail.  It's nice to know that our boys are kept safe with such great leaders.  We are so proud of Mike and the hard work he puts into these boys!  They sure do love him!

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