Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Teenage Driving

 Jason turned 16 back in January, but we told him he could not get his license until he had gotten his Eagle Scout Award.  He finally did that so, we took him to get his license.  He passed his driving test and was good to go!
 We found him this little Ford Focus and he was super excited to get this smaller car to drive around and have available to him.
The car latest one day when Jason was in an accident.  It was an accident, but a very scary situation and it really shook up all involved.  Luckily Mike was in the car with him to help him through it.  Anne was in the back seat and was very scared and upset after it.  I have to say that angels watched over my family that day.  No one was hurt in any way and they all came out of it okay.  A little emotional hurt, but that is all.  I am grateful that we just lost this car and nothing else.  So begins letting apron strings go and letting your kids go through some hard things.  Lots of lessons were learned that day and Jason has gotten better and more confident with driving after that accident.  We moved on, got another little car for the kids, and have never looked back.

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