Monday, October 17, 2016

Lots of goodbyes!

 We said a lot of goodbyes to so many people we love!  We are not going very far, but knowing there will be time between visits make saying goodbye to people we love hard.  Our friends from elementary school that Mike and I have known forever!  We had one last dinner.
 Anne's cute friends threw her a surprise good bye party

 Lunch with my Kindred Spirit Lori!
 Saying goodbye to Church friends!
 The Bartons
 My Veranda Court friends Tina and Rachel
 Eliza's friends
 Lucy's friends
I never got a picture of the boys saying good bye to their friends.  Boys are not very good with goodbyes and pictures, but the boys will miss Utah!
 Cousin good byes... Lucy and Emily
 Liza and Claire
 Anne, Kate, and Evelyn

 Good bye to the Layton Youngs
 Good bye dinner with the Joe Youngs
Good bye dinner with the Ryan Youngs

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