Saturday, November 29, 2014

Christmas Camp.... A Day of Shopping

We started off Christmas Camp this year and the kids were so excited.  This weekend we took the kids out shopping to find gifts for each other.  Mike took Anne and Lucy and I took out Jason and Eliza.  The kids picked out gifts for each other.  There were some good sales going since it was the weekend after Thanksgiving.  We then met at Red Robin and had lunch.  After my 3 girl's were up for more shopping!  So, the boys came home to watch the Utah game and the girl's and I went out to shop for cousin presents.  We were out for a couple of hours and decided we were done.  We came home and the kids helped wrapped presents.  We had a great day of Shopping!

1 comment:

thederricks said...

You are such a fun mom! What a great way to get your kids excited about giving at Christmas!!