Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mr. Speed

 Jason has been involved with track and field.  He loves to run and he likes to run fast.  He ended up qualifying to be on the 9-10 year old 100 meter relay team.  Jason was the one of the top fastest boys in the Herriman area.  He was so proud of himself when they called his name and we were excited for him.  This then launched his relay team to the county finals.

 The county finals were held at East High School.  The kids wanted to stop and get a picture in front of the school where High School Musical was filmed.  We love those movies!
 We really didn't think our boys had a chance.  The other teams looked really good and we just weren't' sure how they would do.  But, their team ended up killing the other teams!

 Jason on this leg actually helped pull his team in the lead!
 Jordan, Jake, Cutter, and Jason won 1st place at the county meet!!!  They were so excited and this pushed them to compete in a couple of weeks at state.
Jason with his first place blue ribbon.  Go Herriman!

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