Sunday, June 24, 2012

Moving away from Saratoga Springs

So, we sold our home in 5 days and were moved out 1 month later.  Everything went so fast and was obviously meant to be.  Moving and packing was a lot more work than I bargained for.  It took Mike and I that whole month to pack and move our belongings out.  It was a ton of work!  We have moved in to Grandma and Grandpa Schwitzer's for a couple of months while they finish our home.

Mike and I spent the last couple days cleaning the house and painting some scuffs on the walls.  My sweet neighbors were so kind to us.  They helped me clean our house, fed us meals, and watched my kids.  We could have not have done what we did without our wonderful family and friends.

Our last day as owners of our home were bitter sweet.  We picked up Jason and Anne from school and told them to say their goodbyes to the house.  I went downstairs and found Jason in his room.  He had tears in his eyes.  I told him it was okay to cry when you leave something you love.  We all got in the car and cried all the way to Cottonwood Heights.

This home was a wonderful place to live.  We loved our neighborhood and it was a good place to us.  So, why did we move?  The spirit has been working on Mike and I for a couple years now.  I would have feelings to move but, there never seemed to be the right house or situation to move so we stayed.  When we found our lot in Herriman it just felt right and we knew that this was our time to go.  I totally trust in our feelings and I know Heavenly Father will help us through the move to our new home.

It's always hard to start over and make new friends but, our family can do Hard Things.  We will always miss our Saratoga home but, look forward to this new home.  We plan on being there forever so, big memories will be in our new home and hopefully, the home we welcome our Grand-Kids to!

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