Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fenced In

This past week we finally got out fence!!! We have waited for a while to finally get it and it is so nice to have it up. I am probably the most excited about it because I feel like I can keep all the kids in one area and not worry about them wondering away. ( This mostly applies to Eliza.) Jason and Anne are really good about not going in the road but, Eliza on the other hand runs all over the neighborhood and loves the road! The nice part about our fence is it keeps out our neighbors dog and the tumble weeds that like to collect in our yard when the wind blows.

So, this is our big project for the year. We like to do one big thing with our home each year and this is it. Fences are one of those things you hate to spend the money on but, it's so needed.


The Eric and Jaime Evans Gang said...

LOVE the fence and am happy that you now will have LESS work as a Mama....always helpful....grin...

Joe said...

On the family website, you mentioned that Jason wanted a dog. Let me remind you of two things:

1. All dogs poop.
2. All dogs pee.