Anne's two front teeth fell out. She let those teeth dangle until the last moment. One tooth fell out while she was eating and the other she let Dad pull out because it was hanging by a thread! She has looked so cute all summer with her two front teeth gone.

The 33rd ward had a reunion this month. Mike grew up in this ward and we lived in the ward for about a year after we were married. It's a wonderful ward with the best people and it was so much fun seeing everyone again. For Mike it was going back to the good old days and seeing childhood friends. I wish I would have taken more pictures but, I did get this one of Bryce Myers, Rob Jolley, Mike and Brian Dippo. He has some great stories about these guys and many scout camp stories that always get me laughing.
Lucy started crawling this month and now she is all over the place. She also got her two bottom teeth! We say that Anne got rid of her teeth and Lucy got them.

Getting ready to crawl.
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