I love the 4th of July and it is my favorite holiday next to Christmas. I love that we celebrate this great country we live in. It's just a holiday that is not stressful but, you are always with family having fun right in the middle of summer. Here are the kids in their 4th of July attire. I made Anne and Eliza a fun 4th of July skirt for the special day.
Jason and Lucy.

The fam with our red, white, and blue on Grandma and Grandpa Young's back porch. We had the traditional bbq and then we played a mean game of croquet. We did teams of couples and Mike and I won. Well, we won because I had Mike on my team but, still we won!

Our small firework show but, for the ages of our kids it was perfect.

Lucy and Dad enjoying the show.
Eliza did not like the fireworks. She sat on Grandma Young's lap and plugged her ears.
Lucy loved the fireworks and we all enjoyed watching her experience her first 4th of July. She would clap and hold out her arms with approval.
clapping and smiling with Sydney
Auntie Jill brought these fun sparklers and we had fun making shapes and taking picture.
J for Jill!
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