Jason is my only son and he is the perfect son for me. Heavenly Father gave Mike and I the most caring and sensitive son around. He is obedient and tries hard all the time to do what is right. He loves reading the scriptures and has a very sensitive ear to the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful he understand how to listen to it. There have been times where he has told me the spirit has told him to leave a situation or confirmed to him that certain principles of the gospel are true. He always gives me hugs and and still lets me give him kisses on the cheek. He is a lot like me but, stronger and more courageous.
Anne is my special Angel sent to me and she is so much fun. She reminds me of myself as a little girl. She loves to color and create. We share the same middle name and our name means little flower in the woods. She definitely is our sweet flower that always has a smile on her face and she is always willing to help with her younger sisters. She is an outstanding cleaner and organizer and her room is in tip top shape all the time. She likes to go shopping with me and we enjoy spending time together doing that. She always gives me hugs and says that she loves me. Anne is not afraid of trying new things or thinking new ideas. She is determined to be successful and I love that in her.
Eliza is my precious daughter and she always has something fun to talk to me about. I love singing and dancing with her. She has an imagination that none of my other kids can touch. She could play with two sticks in the dirt and be having the best time. She loves me and she has to sit on my lap once a day and just be held. I love her fun personality and she sometimes acts so much older than she really is. I have always felt that Eliza is on older spirit. One night I woke up to find her awake taking her temperature. I said " Eliza what are you doing?" She said, " I have a fever" and then she went and got a wash cloth and put it on her head all by herself. She just is very independent and it's a quality that I admire.
My sweet baby Lucy is my ray of sunshine and I am grateful that Heavenly Father blessed us with her. She wakes up so happy and she loves loves every member of this family. She has to be around someone at all times. When I leave her for a time and come back home she grabs my face and gives me the big baby kisses on my face. Right now she has strawberry blond hair which I hope stays because she looks so pretty as a red head. She has been such a blessing to my other kids and I have loved watching them be older siblings watching out for her. I am excited to spend my life with her and love her forever.
So, never in my dreams did I think I would have 4 kids. I always thought I would have all boys and I have more girls and I thought having kids would be so hard that I wouldn't have 4 kids and I do. I know that the Lord gives me strength each day and guides me in ways I never thought possible while being a Mom to younger children. They teach me so much everyday and just when I think I am molding them I look and see how they have shaped and molded me into a better person. Motherhood is the closest thing to heaven and I am so grateful to have the chance to experience this great process on Earth.
I am grateful to my own Mother who raised and loved me. She has always loved her children and been our biggest fans. I always know my Mom will take my side and cheers me on while I raise these kids. She always has good advice about helping my kids through different problems. She loves my kids and is an outstanding Grandmother to them. I love her and am grateful she is part of my life.
Aw, I LOVED this post, Erika. Being a mom is the hardest, most stressful, most tiring, most wonderful, most heart wrenching, most spiritual and rewarding thing in the world. You are such a good mom. I miss you!! Mandi
I love this post about your kids and your love for motherhood, and I know you're a fantastic mother! What a beautiful family you have!
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