Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Conference Time

The best weeks of the year are when it's General Conference. We know when it's this time we get to spend time with Grandpa and Grandma Schwitzer. They made the long trip back to Utah from Russia and we enjoyed spending time with them and all our cousins.

Grandma Schwitzer spends so much time finding presents to bring home to all the grand-children. She always does such a wonderful job finding the best treasures for the kids. Our girls got these beautiful Russian head dresses.

We had a special FHE as a Schwitzer family where Grandma Schwitzer talked about your Great Grandpa Rawsthrone. Each of the grand-kids got a button off his Monte uniform which was really neat. We love the time we get to spend with them but, it always goes by so fast. We look forward to the summer months where we get to see them and hang out for longer. We know our family is so blessed because our Grandma and Grandpa are willing to serve the Lord. I am so grateful for them!

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