Happy Birthday Eliza! I can't believe my baby has turned one and she has taken her first steps! It seems just like yesterday I brought her home from the hospital. When Anne saw her for the first time she said "she has a precious face!" from then on she has been called precious face. We are so glad Eliza is part of our family and love the fun spirit she brings into our home. It has been so much fun to watch her grow and relate to Jason and Anne. She is my most strong willed child and I hope she uses it for good in her life. We love her so much!!! Here are some pics of her Birthday...

She got a new slide and she loves it. When she saw it for the first time she crawled right over to it and started climbing. Jason and Anne love it just as much as she does.

A Birthday picture with Dad and Mom.

Her birthday dress. I bought a fall/winter outfit but, on her birthday is was 85 degrees. It was a beautiful day and everyone enjoyed being outside.

Opening presents with Anne and cousin Kate. She was lucky to have some help because opening presents is a whole new thing!

Her is her lady bug cake. Jason told me he didn't like the eyes. It was a funny cake but, she loved it!

Getting ready to blow out her candle!

She dug right into her cake and got it all over herself. We got some great video of it!
It looks like you all had a fun day. Sorry we had to miss it.
Ah, how cute!!! What a fun time! She looked so darling. It's lame that we were here in Idaho and missed the festivites but we look forward to seeing you all this weekend. :)
What a fun party! And a cute family. I'm glad I found you on Heather's blog
Cute. They grow so fast. It is fun to see you all!!!
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