Sunday, September 14, 2008

Anne starts Preschool!!

Anne started preschool this week. Our neighbor does preschool and all of Anne's little girl friends are in her class. I wasn't sure if Anne would be excited about going or if she would want me to stay with her for a while-but she didn't. She went right in and never looked back. I think she is excited to have something to do during the day and it's something that Jason isn't doing. She is my middle child right now and I didn't realize that she needed something special that only she is doing. When she comes home her and Jason compare there work and who did the coolest work for that day. I am so proud of her and I'm grateful to this great neighbor and the good work she does with the kids. Do you love her backpack? It's as big as her but, it's tinkerbell so it had to work!


Anonymous said...

So cute! I am so glad you have a blog now! Keep the posts coming!

Young Family said...

I didn't know she was starting preschool. I'm glad she had a good day.

Springer Splatter said...

Yeah! I am so glad that you started a blog, we know can keep in touch and know what you guys are up to; even though you live 5 mintues away.

Joe said...

My note on Anne is unrelated, but I am chuckling right now as I think about the exasperated look that she had on her face when Hayden was re-setting the Sega Genesis. She was not happy. Ha ha.

Molly said...

What a cute girl! Your kids are getting so big! And I really do love the back pack. Kids are so funny