We started our day by visiting the site where Joseph Smith was jailed and he rebuked the guards from talking in such a horrible, offensive way. It's such a great story and we were glad we could visit these grounds.
We then stopped to visit the grave of Oliver Cowdery. Buried at this cemetery were other pioneers and early church leaders like the Pratt Family.
Then we made the stop at the beautiful Adam Ondi Ahman. It was a little rainy this day, but the grounds were amazing! We are ready for the second coming and this field is ready to have the saints here eventually. It was while on these grounds we listened to conference and heard the announcement of the new Come Follow Me program for individuals and families. We felt the spirit ring true to our hearts while on these grounds that we are led by a living prophet today!
The Fall leaves were so fun to see! We took lots of pictures because we do not see Fall like this in Arizona!
We decided to stop in an Amish town and try some of their food and shop around. We stopped at this house and had some really yummy home cooked food. We then stopped at a bakery and bought some bread from an Amish lady. As we were pulling out of her shop our drove into a big hole. We did not see it because it was covered by grass. We were stuck in this mud hole. Immediately a man drove by and asked if we needed help. He jus happened to have a chain in his truck. He chained up our car and pulled us out! We really feel like he was an angel sent to us to help us get out of that crazy problem! So grateful for good people everywhere!
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