Monday, August 4, 2014

Lake Mary

 For FHE one evening we decided to hike to Lake Mary.  I haven't hiked to Lake Mary since my days up at Brighton Camp so, it was fun to go back.
 We were all so proud of Lucy.  She hiked the whole hike!  I thought for sure one of us would have her on our back but, she was a strong girl.
 Once we made it to the Lake the fishing began and taking pictures!

 We hung out at the Lake for a while but, no fish were caught.  We enjoyed playing around by the lake and then started to make our way down the mountain.
 The Wild Flowers were beautiful.

 Also, a lot more water then I remember back in '97.  The Lake was full and the water was everywhere. It was so pretty.

Right after I took this picture it started raining and huge black clouds rolled in.  We started walking faster but, the rain came faster.  We did pack ponchos so, we put them on.  But, then the lightening and thunder started and things started to get dangerous fast.  We ran to a grove of trees and hunkered down as a family in the trees.  The girl's were really scared and Eliza and Lucy were crying.  Anne said please let's say a prayer I am so scared.  We said a prayer as a family that we would be kept safe and make it out of the storm.  Our prayers were answered.  We felt at peace and eventually were able to make it down the mountain safe.  I hope the kids always remember this experience and that Heavenly Father hears their prayers.  If they are ever in a situation where they are scared they can pray and Heavenly Father will ALWAYS be there to comfort and bring peace.

After, we went and got some yummy snow cones and called it FHE.  This will be an FHE we will never forget!

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

Beautiful pictures and family!!