Jason hit the big 11! Mike and I were just talking about how much we love this age. He loves hanging out with us still and we can have good conversations with him. He listens to us and agrees with everything we say!! I know it sounds crazy but, we know in a couple of years we might not be so cool to him. I hope we always have the great relationship that we do with him. Jason we love your fun personality and you always have a funny joke to tell us at dinner. I love that you still let me read to you and sometimes still let me comb your hair! Ha Ha! You have a strong testimony and love learning about the gospel. I love watching you play out in the back yard. You can do anything from golf, to football, Soccer, to basketball, and running. We could not ask for a more perfect son for us!

The biggest blessing about our new home is our backyard. Jason loves it and no matter the time of year he will be out there doing something. During the winter he shovels the snow off the basketball court so, he can play even in the winter!
We went out to lunch to Red Robin and then went to watch Jay play a Basketball game.
In the evening we had Grandma and Grandpa Young and Schwitzer over for his birthday dinner. He chose Chili as his chose of meal. HIs gifts this year were his new scout shirt.
Looking through the new scout book and he is on the path to Eagle!
A new sleeping bag to take camping. This one will help keep the cold out!
The fishing pole and line he wanted. He has the fishing bug like his Dad!
Happy Birthday Jason! I hope your birthday wish comes true!
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