Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jill's Birthday and Memorial Day

 We got together to celebrate Jill and how happy we are that she was born!  Heavenly Father answered the prayer of a little 8 year old 28 years ago.  I remember praying and praying to Heavenly Father to send me a sister.  He answered my prayer and sent me the best sister!  The whole family LOVES Jill and so her birthday is big deal.  Mom got Jill a fun quote book that we all wrote in to Jill.
 Mom always does such a wonderful job making parties special and pretty.
 We gave Jill some cliff bars.  She will not have to buy any of those babies for a while!
 I had to document that sweet Sydney fell off her bike and broke her arm.  Luckily she has a cool Mom who decorated her sling so cute!
 Jill blowing our her candles with all these kids that love and admire her.  Check out that cake!  It was so good a peanut butter chocolate delight!
So, worse Mom ever!  This is the only picture I got on Memorial Day.  We actually had such a fun day working in our yard and enjoying the weather.  That evening we had the Schwitzer side over for a BBQ.  It was so much fun having everyone over and we had an awesome game of baseball going on in the back yard.  But, no I forgot to take pictures and this is what I have.  A homeless picture of Lucy with Ryan and Emily.  That morning I had Lucy so cute with a red, white, and blue outfit on and her hair done really cute.  But, by the end of the day her hair is pulled out, and a princess dress put on.  We really did have a great holiday with family!

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