Sunday, August 12, 2012

Lucy 18 months

 I took Lucy to get some pictures of her at 18 months.  Lucy is so much fun and her little personality is shining at this age.  She knows what she wants and she will fight to get it.  She is talking like crazy and tries to keep up with her two older sisters.  She loves to play with baby dolls and you can find her often with a doll and blanket in her hand.  There are some words we can totally understand and sometimes she will just talk in her own little language.  She loves Elmo, her nie nie, and playing with Jashun, Onne, Wiza, and she calls herself ushy.  We love her so much!!!
 She was loving the camera the day we took these pictures.  After I would take a picture she would run to the camera and say " see it" and want to look at the picture on the camera.

 I just took some pictures of the girls because Jason didn't want his picture taken.  The girls are always up for a camera shoot!
 Best friend Sisters!

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

You're quite the photographer, and you have beautiful girls! Lucy did a great job smiling, which is rare for an 18 month old. I love keeping track of your family.