I can't believe that Anne is 7. We watched home videos on her birthday of when she was a baby. I can't believe how time flies and how big she is getting. Mike always tells her, " You have to stop growing!". He started saying that to her when she was 4. Anne is such a wonderful daughter and sister. She has a determination that I wish I had. She is an outstanding student and is above grade level in everything. She is loving to her younger sisters and is their second Mom. Often if I am not home they will run to her for comfort. She loves to be creative and just got into taking piano. She always wants to do what is right and is obedient to Mom and Dad. We love you so much Anne!

Anne got a new bike this year. We picked out a bike that she didn't like because it only had hand breaks. She wanted a bike that she could still break with her feet. We went back to the store and she picked out this beauty.

She got a new purse and some new clothes.

Eliza and I met Anne for lunch. We had fun sitting with her and after went out to recess to see her swing. She finally learned how to swing without being pushed.

That evening Anne chose to go out to dinner at Shakey's. Then it is was off to Trafalga

She loves to climb the big wall!

We played the glow in the dark mini-golf!

We then came home and had cake and ice-cream. I hope all your birthday wishes come true!
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