Christmas fell on a Sunday this year and it was wonderful. I love going to church on Christmas and celebrating the Savior in the way he should be celebrated. We have 9 a.m church so, we go up and saw what Santa brought us, had a nice breakfast, and then went to church. We had a nice meeting filled with beautiful music. After church we came back home and opened presents from Dad and Mom. The picture above are the best kids looking so handsome and beautiful in their Christmas outfits.

This is what Santa brought Jason.

Santa brought Jason a remote control helicopter.

He also got a rip stik, the game Life, a new Utah shirt, a wii game, and some more Lego Star Wars.

This is what Santa brought Anne.

He brought her the today American Girl doll. She looks just like Anne!

She also got this Easel, a new blanket, a doll jeep for her doll, clothes for her doll, and a new DS game.

Santa brought Eliza this

She got the Barbie Camper that she wanted!

She got the Rapunzel tower, Stacie camper barbie, Another Barbie doll, a new blanket, and a Rapunzel dress.

What Santa brought Lucy.

Lucy got this new doll, a new blanket, books, toy purse, and bath toys

Max loved his new dog toy!

Mike and I gave each other this new Mac computer... which I love! Santa also left us a few things. I got some new boots and a panni grill. Mike got a new tie and a pull up bar.

Christmas evening we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Youngs. We had a wonderful dinner, played chimes, exchanged gifts, and had a talent show. Jason and I played a duet together. We played "Up on the housetop". It's was fun performing together.
We had a really great day and enjoyed being together with family!

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