Lucy has grown up a lot this month and she is in to everything! Her first order of business every morning is to open the drawers in the kitchen and take everything out of the drawer or shelf. She loves this drawer with all her bibs in it. She will then climb into the drawer and stand up! Her favorite busy activity!

Lucy started walking this month and she loves being big like the other kids. She is a fast little thing and we are constantly on the watch. She loves to climb the stairs but, does not know how to climb down so we are the gate house right now.

She is so proud of herself. Notice the plastic bag in her hand. She probably pulled that from one of the garbage's. Another favorite pass time is to throw things in the garbage or tip all the garbage's over.

She fell asleep while eating lunch one day. She works hard all morning and by the afternoon she is ready for her nap! She is such a wonderful girl!
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