Mike finally made it to Moscow! I have down loaded all his pics and I don't know all the details about everything but, I will do my best. I do this blog for our family so, once this is printed out Mike can sit down with the kids and talk in more detail.

Rosinka is where Greg and JoAnn live while in Moscow. It's a very nice area and they live in the town home right behind Greg.

They live by this beautiful lake and many walks and talks are taken around it.

This is how most Russians live... in tall apartment buildings.

Red Square!

Mike and JoAnn in Red Square with St. Basil's in the back ground

St. Basil

Belarus Soldiers..... Still under communist rule.

This is the middle of Moscow and if you stand on this spot and throw back a coin it brings good luck. These little ladies stand here so they can collect the money that is dropped.

Standing in the very middle of Moscow.

A statue of Karl Marx.

Russian Ballet house

A statue of Ivan the Terrible.

A painting of a famous Russian folk tale

Another famous Russian tale of the 3 heros.

This was the art museum they went to. I am not sure what it was called but, the paintings look amazing. Mike said it was awesome to see such great art work up close. The painting above is when Ivan the Terrible killed is own son.

Izmailovo is where Mike and JoAnn found all their treasures. Mike brought us back such neat items back from there.

Mike in Izmailovo.
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