Jason started 2nd grade this year and he was feeling really big. We met his teacher Mrs. Lewis and she is the perfect teacher for Jason. He has a lot of friends from the neighborhood in his class. He is out in a portable and Jason couldn't be more happy. I was kind of sad that he was out there and not actually in the school but, in his 2nd grade mind it's the best classroom. I am grateful for his positive attitude!! He gets to walk home from school this year and has found a group in the neighborhood to walk with. This should be a good year for him.

My sweet Anne started Kindergarten and she was sooo excited. Getting a girl ready for the first day of school is quite different than getting a boy ready. The night before we had to curl hair, paint nails, and decide which outfit to wear. It was fun helping her get ready and make all the fun decisions together. She has Mrs. Ashworth as her teacher and she also has lots of friends from the neighborhood in her class. She says every morning that she can't eat a good breakfast because she is so excited to go to school! We will see how long that attitude last. :)

The kids love to include Max in all things and they wanted Max to have a first day of school pic. So, Max is off to dog school!

Eliza gets to go to Mommy school this year. We have to give her something and she is happy knowing that she goes to Mommy school. While we were getting Jason and Anne their new school supplies she was feeling left out. She picked out this princess back pack and I couldn't say no. She fills her bag with books that she wants me to read to her.

Here is Anne lining up to go to Kindergarten. I always get a little teary eyed when my kids enter Kindergarten. It's another Apron string I have to cut but, I can't believe how fast time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was dropping off Jason to Kindergarten and now here goes Anne. I am really excited for the kids and know it will be a great year!
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