I have never really gotten into St. Patrick's Day but, this year was so much fun thanks to our sister-in-law Erin! We got together a couple of days before the day, of the wearing of the green , and she helped me make these fun shirts for my kids. It was a really nice day and you can see from the pictures that my girl's had been playing in dirt. ( Eliza doesn't have dirt on her face just chocolate! )

Erin and Ryan are living with my parents while he does an internship in SLC. They invited us all over for a traditional St. Patty's day meal of corn beef , soda bread, salad and some really good potatoes. Then Erin made this awesome rainbow cake which was so good. I had to take a pic of the cake because I was so impressed. So, thanks Erin for getting us in the mood to celebrate a fun Spring holiday.
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