On New Year's Eve it just sounded so good to stay home and really do nothing exciting. We toasted in the New Year with some sparkling apple juice and let the kids do some sparklers in the front yard. They enjoyed also some left over fireworks from the 4th of July. The kids wanted to watch Sleeping Beauty and then they went to bed. Mike and I watched the the ball fall over Time Square on T.V. It was actually a really relaxing night and it was fun to ring in the new year with the fam. On New Years day we took all the Christmas decor down and tried to get the house some what back to normal. In the afternoon we went and saw the "Princess and the Frog." Jason and Anne loved the movie but, Eliza is still young and didn't like sitting in a theater through a movie. This was Anne's first time in a movie theater and she really enjoyed it. We came home and relaxed some more. The holidays are such a great time and we really did have a relaxing New Year holiday. I am looking forward to 2010 and the fun it will bring!

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