To Start off the week Jason finally lost his other front tooth and it looks soooo much better. His dangling tooth was starting to gross everyone out and he was brave enough to pull it out. He looks so cute with both of his front teeth gone!

We have been enjoying the last week and the fun that the Christmas season brings. We finally got a big snow storm and the kids were exited to go out and play in it. We had a friend Mckinley over to play in the snow with the girls. With the snow on the ground it really feels like Christmas. Our new little dog Max isn't to fond of the snow but, is getting more use to it everyday.

During the season I love play Christmas music throughout the day. I think Christmas music is so pretty and fun. One day I had Handels Messiah on and Eliza loved the Hallelujah Chorus. After the song was over she would say "Again, Again!" She would sing "Hallelujah with everything she had. I caught her singing in the picture above and everyday we have to listen to "Hallelujah".

Every year around Christmas my Mom has the kids over to make cookies. We went over one evening and the kids have fun cutting out Christmas sugar cookies. They also helped my Mom make Christmas suckers which they love also. After making cookies we had to watch So You You Think You Can Dance since I was with my Mom and Jill! :)
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