This past week was the last week of school. Jason had a fun week finishing up his Kindergarten year. Jason had a great experience and it had to do with his amazing teacher Mrs. Ruoho. She is an outstanding teacher and help Jason to succeed this first year. I can't believe he will be in 1st grade next year! I will miss him so much as he will be in school all day. I can't imagine not having lunch with him everyday. This Summer he is mine again and I will enjoy having him around all the time. He had Kindergarten graduation and they did a cute program and then handed them there diploma's.

This is the Kindergarten graduate in his classroom. He didn't know any kids in his class at the first of the year and then by the end he had made some really good friends. He came home with a few phone numbers of boys that wanted to hang out with him over the summer. Who wouldn't want to be friends with Jason!

This was the last day of school and he is home doing the Toyota jump because school is out and Summer can begin!
I love the Toyota Jump. Ha ha.
Wow! Kindergarten is over. He is growing up so fast.
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