We had a great time at the Party this year. Everyone came dressed up and ready to party. We walked in to Grandma and Grandpa Schwitzer's house to find that Grandpa Schwitzer turned into a clown! My kids didn't know what to think at first and I'm not sure if they recognized him. But, then he gave them a hug and they knew it was their Grandpa. We had a Halloween dinner of Bat wings, bones, grave yard jello, and other spooky treats. The kids played some Halloween games and the big hit was who could eat the donut hanging from the string the fastest. This has become a fun tradition for my kids and we look forward to it every year!

Grandma Schwitzer with Eliza. Eliza was not sure about everyone and their costumes.

Grandpa Schwitzer and Anne.
1 comment:
That clown costume is great! And Eliza, I love your smile.
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