Monday, November 26, 2018

Happy 8th Birthday Lucy

 Lucy is such a ray of sunshine!  We all love having her around.  She is the best at giving hugs and she is growing up fast.  She is doing well in school and strives to do better in that area.  Right now she is in speech therapy and she is enjoying learning how to say her "R"   Life would be so sad without Lucy and we are so glad she was born into our family!

 She woke up and wanted to open her presents!  A new stuffed giraffe named Jeffery.
 Her scriptures

A goosebumps blanket was also on the list
 We checked her out of school and went out to lunch at Cafe Rio and then she hung out at home after. After dinner we headed over for some Top Golf.  Lucy plays really well!!

Anne and Eliza mad her this princess cake which turned out so cute!

 We hope this is one of your best years Lucy!  We love you!

Thursday, November 22, 2018


 My Mom was the turkey this year so, we convinced her to come down to AZ to enjoy Thanksgiving down here.  We tried to make her 70th birthday special.  I had all the kids and grand kids write a little note to her about why they loved her.  We also then had pictures attached to those letters.

 To make things even more special Brad and JanaLynn surprised us all and decided to come down to AZ for a visit and spend Thanksgiving with us.  It was so fun to more of us around and really have a big feast together!
 Grandma blowing out her candles in a piece of pumpkin pie.
 It's always fun to have my parents around and my Dad especially.  He is always up for anything and I love that we will go out a ride bikes with me!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Lucy got her ears pierced

 It was finally Lucy's turn to get her ears pierced!  She was a little nervous, but was a champ while she got them!  She looks so cute with them pierced!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Family Pictures

Jason 15 years old

Anne 13 years old
Eliza 11 years old

Lucy 8 years old

 Our handsome boys!

 I loved these pictures of Anne laughing!  She is just beautiful!

The girls!

Friday, November 9, 2018

November little things

 I headed up to SLC to be with family, and meet a Jeff who Jill has been dating.  It was a fun weekend get away.  I met Jeff, Met up with Mary and Melanie, saw Lori, and finally got to see Emma!  It's always fun to catch up with family!
 Lunch with ladies from the ward!
 I love when they sit in birth order up to the counter!
We watched the Utes get destroyed by ASU, but we had a great time trying to cheer on our Utes!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Happy 17th to Us

 We celebrated 17 years together!  I love Mike so much and I am grateful to spend my life with him!!