For Youth Conference this year our Youth in the Stake went to Bear Lake. Mike had to be there so, the kids and I decided to stay at the Bear Lake house while Mike was at Youth Conference. We spent our first day on the beach. We really missed Mike that day, but had a good time relaxing on the beach and building sand castles.
We were the only people down on the the beach so Jason and Anne both enjoyed driving the 4 wheeler around the beach.
Isn't she just the cutest!
Eliza knows how to relax!
On Friday morning Mike and Jason went out fishing and Jason caught this huge cut throat trout! He was so excited and I have never seen a fish that big in person. He had the magic touch that morning!
That morning we were all back together as a family. The kids loved to take the canoe to this dock and and play around.
Finally we got our sweets back!!
Jason is really good at navigating a canoe. I always get turned around but, I enjoyed going on the Lake with him!
We sure love this little canoe. It's perfect for our family and our needs at this time.
We left Saturday morning to get back for Church. Mike then had to leave for Chicago for his training Sunday afternoon. We left that morning and started driving home. We got all the way to Evanston when I asked Mike if he had turned off the air in the house. He said that he had not and I didn't. So, I decided to drive back to the Bear Lake to turn off the air while Mike came home with kids. Luckily we had to two cars because the kids were not up for that. Mike needed to get home to pack and get ready to leave the next day. It was kind of peaceful driving by myself. I got a lot of time to think. I also learned my lesson to always make sure we turn off the air before we leave Bear Lake… Lesson Learned!

Can I just say how much I love this guy. He left after this to head to Chicago for a week. Mike has never been gone this long before and I really missed him. I missed his cool calm attitude he brings to our house. I tend to get worked up about things or stress about stuff and he is always able to calm me down. It was a busy week with the kids. The school year is coming to an end so there are reports and projects due, Jason Track and Field events and the drama with that, trying to be a good Young Women leader to the girls, and trying to keep up on the house. Friday finally came and I was trying to get the lawn mowed for him to surprise him when he got home. I didn't notice the time and was finishing up the lawn when he walked through the fence. I was so happy to see him! I ran to give him a hug and once his strong arms pulled me in all my stresses went away. I just started crying because I was so happy to have him back. I know I am a strong person and I can manage this family and get things done, but we need our husband and Dad!! If anything these training trips are teaching me to appreciate my sweets more! I love you Mike!