Happy Birthday to my favorite boy. Jason was really excited this year for his birthday and I think he had a great day. He deserves a special day because he is an outstanding kid and tries his best at everything in his life. Mike and I couldn't be prouder of him and are so grateful to have him in our family.

Before school we let him open his presents. He got some new books that he wanted.

Another wii remote so we can now have 3 people play at the same time.

His big present were his new golf clubs. He is old enough to have his own set now and he can't wait to use them once it gets a little warmer outside.

We went out to dinner that night at Wingers.

After dinner we headed over to Trafalga to have some fun. We played some roller ball.

We also did some rock climbing. The older kids and adults enjoyed this one!

We then came home to have some cake and ice-cream. Jason made a wish for this coming year and I hope they come true! We love you so much Jason and know this will be a wonderful year for you!