On November 26th our family welcomed Lucy JoAnn!! I was induced in the morning and had her at 3:58p.m. I had a really good delivery and everything went well. Lucy was 7 lbs 7oz and 19.5 inches long. She was so mad when she came out. She cried and cried and screamed until they swaddled her back up and she was held. The kids were standing waiting outside the delivery room and when it was time they fell in love with their new little sister. They got to hold her and there was even fighting over who had held her the longest. It was a wonderful day... a day I will not forget. She has been such a blessing to our family and her sweet spirit that she has brought to our home is so nice during this Christmas season. We are so lucky to have Lucy part of our family!!

She finally stopped crying and was happy being held. They put a fun little Thanksgiving hat on her after she was born.

Lucy and her proud Dad!

The kids love her so much and when we brought her home from hospital I had to take Lucy on a tour of our house. The kids had made her cards welcoming her to her new home.

She had many visitors and I have pictures of just a few. But, lots of Uncles and Aunties and Grand-parents paid visits to Lucy in the hospital.

Hanging out at the hospital as a family.

Her first week home she has done well. We are doing the newborn schedule but, she is so sweet and fun to cuddle.

Anne is the best babysitter and she will hold Lucy while I get things done around the house.

This is what she does most of the time is sleep. She is the best baby and what a blessing she is!!!