Grandma Schwitzer with Eliza and Claire.
The "S.S Gregory "would make trips out on the lake with different Grand-kids. Anne was out on this trip.
We got a water trampoline this year and we had a blast out on the water with it. The kids made it their little club house and the adults had many competitions out in the deeper water.
Hanging out on the tramp with JoAnn and Sarah.
Josh and Mike with their matching shirts relaxing at Bear Lake.
Playing on the beach.
This was the finished product of the mud bath. It took the kids 2 days to built and I have to say it was pretty impressive. Jason loved working on this with Grace, Jane, and Emma. All kids worked on it at some point.
All 16 of the Schwitzer Grandchildren. From the top L-R: Emma, Jacob and Ryan on lap.
Zach, Jane, Andrew, Alex.
Grace, Claire, Eliza, Will, and Jason.
Anne, Evelyn, Kate, and Leah.
I have to say that Eliza looks like she is the happiest!
Thanks to Auntie Sarah we made matching t-shirts for all the kids. They had so much fun making their shirts their own.
The Schwitzer ladies: JoAnn, Erika, Sarah, Sara, Cathy, and Kari
One of the evenings we did a family talent show. It was a fun night for everyone. The boys got together and did some funny skits.