This weekend is always a crazy one but, fun full of family traditions. It was a really neat General Conference this year because our Grandpa Schwitzer spoke in conference! Mike and I were so nervous for him that we couldn't eat lunch and during the session our palms were sweating and we just wanted to get it over with. That was how we felt so, can you imagine how Grandpa Schwitzer felt? We all said that we were so nervous for him that he didn't have to be. Anyways, he did a fantastic job and we all loved his talk. He talked about making good judgments and I gained some new in sight on judging better and making good judgments. He didn't let us know before on what he was going to talk about so it was fun to listen to it. The whole family was there that could be. All the grand-kids 8 and older got to go and they did well sitting through conference. Grandpa Harvey, Janice and Jean where also there to cheer on their son and brother. We are so proud of Grandpa and thought it was a great Conference. The picture above is a crazy picture but, it works. It was fun to all be together at Conference.
I really learned a lot this conference and feel that I got answers to some questions I had been having. I feel like I got the best advice on raising my kids during these hard times and I am ready to take on the next 6 months with a better resolve to be and do better!

While Mike was at priesthood we went to Grandma and Grandpa Young's for a get together. We introduced the kids to sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag and the kids were entertained for a moment. Eliza loved this activity and managed to get her little body in that bag every time it went down the stairs!

We also colored eggs together and had a egg hunt with the Young cousins.

After the kids were done coloring eggs the ladies did a craft. I swear my sister-in-laws and mother are the most creative people on the earth. Jill and I take advantage of their ideas and are grateful for them. So, we made chocolate eggs and I didn't get a pic of course. But, we poured chocolate into hallowed out eggs. After they were done you would crack open a egg but when you peel the egg there is a yummy chocolate egg inside. It was a fun little project.

We also had the traditional Schwitzer family Easter egg hunt at Grandma and Grandpa Schwitzer's. The kids got lots of candy! NO MORE CANDY! I love Easter and especially Easter candy and I think I have gained 5 lbs this week from all the yummy treats.
We really had a fun weekend and really enjoyed being with both sides of the family.