So, for years I have said no dogs. Well, no dogs until our kids are older but, I have eaten my words. On Tuesday we brought home little Max. The week before Mike showed be a picture of him that a customer had emailed to him. She breeds these dogs and wanted to know if we wanted one. Mike showed me the picture and I had this feeling come over me that this was our dog. I surprised Mike when I said lets go meet him and see how the kids do with a dog. We went to the ladies house and met about 10 puppies but, we were drawn to Max the whole time. So, we bought him and brought him home a couple of days later.
Jason came up with the name Max. For a couple of months he has said, "When we get a dog I am going to name him Max." So, Max it is! The kids LOVE him and he is the sweetest dog. He lets the kids carry him all over the house and he loves to be with them. He loves to sleep on any lap and has really been the best puppy. So, now we have a dog and for some reason it feels like our family is a little more complete.

Jason loves Max and when he comes home from school he loves playing with him and taking care of him.

While Jason is at school Anne has become the mother hen to Max. She makes sure he gets his naps and loves him like a baby. Max loves it!