Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend and are so grateful for our friends and family during this holiday season. We had Thanksgiving with the Schwitzer side this year and it was an outstanding Thanksgiving feast!! I will do a run down of our weekend through the pictures. The above picture is Jason in his Thanksgiving program at school. He had a speaking part in the program and he did a great job. He stood up to the microphone and said his part loud and clear. We were really proud of him.
On Wednesday our good friends the Partridges were in town from Indiana. We love this family and wished we all lived closer to hang out more. We were lucky to have them as friends when we lived out there. We went bowling and then had a little birthday party for there two kids after. Thanks Partridges for fitting us into your busy schedule!! We love to see you when you come in town. This was the first time Jason had been bowling and he had a blast. Anne didn't enjoy it at all. She was kind of in a bad mood so we will try again.

My kids love to push each other in the laundry basket and Jason used to push Anne around in it. Now it's Anne pushing Eliza and I love it!!

We had Thanksgiving with the Schwitzer's and we had such a good time. The food was very good and we had fun laughing and talking. Auntie Cathy had the kids make these fun pilgrim hat cookies. Again, Jason loved it and Anne was in a bad mood. Maybe next year for Anne!!

Here is Mike and his Dad and brothers. Mike loves being with brothers and it's fun to listen to them talk and joke around with each other. There is never a dull moment when all these guys get together!!

Here are all the girls! The day after Thanksgiving I went out shopping real early in the morning with these gals. Thanks for helping me out and helping me get through the out of control stores! Mike's sister are the best at finding deals and it's fun to go shopping with them to learn a thing or two. We started at 4a.m and after we were done we went out to breakfast. We found some good deals and it was worth waking up to join in the fun!!

Tonight I am going with my family to the Messiah sing-in with the Utah Symphony. This has been a tradition in our family for years and I really enjoy going every year. I love going and hearing and singing music about Christ. It starts off the Christmas season in the right way. There are so many times that I just sit and listen and chills run up and down my spine. Handel was truly inspired when he wrote the Messiah music.
We had a great weekend and can't wait to start the Christmas season!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Zoo Trip

I have to say that going to the Zoo in the Fall is the best time to go! We went this past week with our cousins from the Young side and we had a great time. I wasn't sure about going in the middle of November but, I bundled up the kids and we were nice and warm the whole time. There was probably 4 families at the Zoo that day and we had access to everything. I have decided that I would rather go in the fall and layer some clothing than sweat to death in the middle of the Summer. I think we will make this a new family tradition!! In the picture above are most of the Young cousins minus Allen who was in school.
My kids loved being able to see all the animal up close. This Gorilla had a thing for Anne. It sat there and just looked at her! I don't blame him because she is just too cute with that Hello Kitty hat on!

Anne and Hayden having fun at the park in the Zoo!

Eliza had a great time at Zoo. It was her first trip and she would ooh and ahhh at all the animals. Her favorite part was playing at the park. In this picture I am playing hide and seek with her. She would hide behind that pole and then jump out and give me that huge smile!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Election and Prop 8

I just wanted to write my thoughts on this whole election. It was a privilege to vote this year and voice my opinion. I am so glad to be an American to have my freedom!! I will support our new president and I pray that he will be successful for our countries sake. I would have liked to see it go the other way but, It just wasn't meant to be this election year for the Republicans. Mike and I where pretty bummed on Tuesday night when we learned Obama won. Our only hope was the prop 8 vote.

We would like to thank our family and friends in California for their great efforts in support of Prop 8!! Your work paid off and hopefully this will be the end. Their has been a lot of protest from the No on 8 campaign directed on the church. There are many members of the church who oppose the churches support of Prop 8. I will never understand their thinking. I think the church did an outstanding job and good has prevailed over evil again!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Seven Years Strong!

On November 1st we celebrated our seven year anniversary!!! It was on a Saturday so it was nice to spent all day together. We dropped our kids off at my parents and went to the SLC Temple and had a great time being together in the temple. We don't get to go together all time as we try to juggle the kids and this was needed. After the temple we went out to a nice dinner and then we walked around down town and just talked. It was so nice not having the kids with us and to just be together for an evening.
Mike and I have known each other since the 2nd grade. We grew up together and have so much fun talking about growing up. He is my best friend and their is no one I would rather be with. He makes me laugh everyday and I love him for that. I am so glad we get to be on this journey in life together because it's the best with him!!

Halloween 2008

We have had a great Halloween season this year with lots of Parties and fun. On Halloween day we started off by going to see Jason at his school for their Halloween parade. We have so many kids in our school and it was crazy with so many people. We had the police department at the school directing the traffic into the school parking lot. ( It's out of control!) It was fun to see all the kids from our neighborhood and their creative costumes.
In the Afternoon we headed over to my brothers house and we had a fun afternoon of Halloween fun at their house. JanaLynn does such a great job with their home and it was such a fun and festive home to be at on Halloween.
We made it back home for the trick-or-treating in our own neighborhood. Jason and Anne had a blast running from house to house. It was such great weather here and the kids didn't need a coat this year! They filled their buckets to the top this year and it was a success. We had Mike's parents over and it was fun to be with them and to talk.
So, Jason and Anne have already moved to the next holiday which is Thanksgiving. This morning Anne ask, " How many more sleeps until Thanksgiving?" My kids love holidays!!!

Eliza went trick-or-treating in her stroller and enjoyed being outside. She even got some candy at a few houses!

The kids pumpkins this year. Jason and Anne carved their pumpkins all by themselves this year and I think they did a great job. L-R Anne's Jason's and then Eliza's pumpkin.